Buckhead Team

Training That Inspires, Results That Last.

The Buckhead Roofing Process

After many trials and tribulations, our leaders have developed a system that will help you accomplish your goals!

Our Expectation

The following are our expectations of you after the training program. Make sure that you take the training seriously as it will help you meet your monthly sales requirements.


Knowledge of Our Systems

CRM knowledge and how to move your jobs through the system until completion


Closing Rate

We expect all our salesmen to strive for a minimum closing rate of 20%. You will be provided hot leads so no excuses will be tolerated.


Monthly Sales Goal

We require all our salesmen to meet a minimum of $50,000 a month in sales or $70,000 if all your jobs are insurance jobs.


Commercial Prospection

You must have 5 commercial jobs that you are actively prospecting. Work smarter, not harder. Join BNI groups or other local business groups to help you start networking.


Customer Reviews

We expect our salesmen to get reviews and 2 referrals from satisfied customers. Satisfied customers will help you overcome a lack of trust.


Golden Circle

As a salesman you want to make as much money as possible and with our FRL sales system you will achieve those goals.